21. Sept. - 10. October ... Kirsten and Jared in Germany
Finally, after a long, but thankfully uneventful flight, Jared and Kirsten emerged from Customs at Frankfurt airport ...... looking tired but incredibly well!!!!!!
After arriving home in Weinheim and quickly settling in, everyone hopped in the car and did a little tour around where we live ..... here Jared and Kirsten at Hirschhorn Castle ......
.... after leaving Hirschhorn, we headed to Heidelberg, always a favourite ..... Jared and Kirsten with the famous Heidelberg Castle in the background .....
..... walking around this lovely old City makes one thirsty, so everyone enjoyed a cool drink and some nourishment, before continuing on .....
..... continuing the tour, we stopped at the Castle and had a look around .... here Jared and Kirsten with Natasha and her boyfriend, Lukas .....
Monday saw Jared and Kirsten leave to visit Berlin .......... and some famous landmarks ...... here the Berlin Wall .....
..... the Holocaust Memorial .....
...... the Brandenburg Gate ......
..... Kirsten with a couple of ‘locals’ .....
..... and of course, the Reichstag (German Parliament) .....
.... we made a trip to Regensburg (Bavaria), to visit Thomas’ mum and celebrate Jared and Claudia’s birthdays ..... here at the famous Wurstkuche (Sausage Kitchen), enjoying the local specialities ...... .... the beautiful Regensburg Cathedral ....
..... of course while here, it was Oktoberfest ..... so a trip to Munich to experience it, was essential .....
... and Jared got right in the mood ...
..... then it was off to Paris for Jared and Kirsten, where they spent a few days and had a great time ...... here a picture of their Hotel .....
....... of course, no trip to Paris is complete without visiting Moulin Rouge .....
... Eurodisney ...
... Kirsten and Goofy!!!!! ...
... and a cozy dinner for two!!! ...
.... once back in Germany, a trip to Sinsheim Technical Museum, which houses both a Concorde and Russian Tupulev .....
... here a photo of Jared, Kirsten and Cynthia ...
... on Jared and Kirsten’s second last night here, we managed to get everyone together for a wonderful dinner at Deibsloch ...... photographed here from left to right, Tash, Lukas, Lukas’ sister Jana and mum, Barbara, Thomas, Cynthia, Kirsten, Jared, Carola, Philip, Claudia and Valentin ...
... on their last day in Germany, we went to Europa Park ..... and among other attractions enjoyed the Viking Ship ...
... while there Thomas won a Pug dog for Jared and Kirsten ..... here Jared proudly photographed with ‘Mopsy’ ...
... sadly the day after Jared and Kirsten went back to Melbourne, but it was wonderful to have them here for 3 weeks and show them around .... we hope they also enjoyed their time and took away with them some great memories ...
Remark Thomas: as Cynthia has written all text, she didn't include a photo of her and Jared ... so here it is!